Friday, August 9, 2013

Religious A**holes

Why do Born-Again Christians assume superiority? Why do they presume to know where others stand on the religious spectrum? If I don't spout or push my opinions and beliefs onto others, they assume to know where I stand. I must be a Satan-worshipper, right? If I'm not bullying others with my Christian beliefs, I must be into something weird and scary.

My Grandmother came from a Quaker family. They were very strict. She once said that she never heard joking or pure silliness in her home growing up. She was a wonderful Christian lady. She believed what she believed and she believed it with her whole being. But she never acted superior or judgmental. I always respected her for that. I respect anyone who has a belief and follows it, no matter what that belief is. I have no particular passions (unless you count count the beach, traveling, cookies, popcorn, movies, jogging and dogs), so I've always envied people who have them. What I don't respect and what totally turns me off is when someone with a passions presumes to push those passions onto me. I think farts are funny. It doesn't mean I'm going to fart in your face. I love photography, but I'm not going to walk up to someone I barely know and shove a camera in their hands and tell them that they are going to die a horrible death and burn in hell if they don't also love photography.

Why are Christians so pushy? My sister once assumed that I don't believe in God because I never talk about it. IT IS FUCKING PERSONAL. I don't need to tell anyone what I believe or don't believe. I just need to live a life that is true to my beliefs. That's it. My best friend doesn't believe in God. She is good and true and of more value to me than my Christian family. She has an open mind and a big heart. She is there for me when I need a friend. She will never stab me in the back like my own sister has many times. My sister will tell the world what a good Christian she is. Because the louder you proclaim it, the closer you are to heaven, right? Who cares how many backs she stands upon to get up there. My best friend is quiet. She doesn't judge others for their beliefs. She believes what she believes. That's all that matters.

I have other friends that are pagan, Wiccan, Christian, Buddhist and Islamic. None of them judge. That's why they are my friends. I am interested in their beliefs. I'm sure if I asked them, they would gladly explain their positions. But they have never pushed their beliefs onto me. But never let a Born-Again Christian corner you, or you will surely spend your future in a firey hell.

My brother spent a life that was less than perfect. He was often selfish, a raging alcoholic, a not-so-there father...he was like all of us. He was flawed and vulnerable and beautiful all at the same time. I loved him like that. He was human. Then he was Born Again. He went instantly from being one of my best friends to the guy who delivered one of the most wounding lines anyone could ever speak to a sister and friend: "Ang, you are going to hell." Man, how many times did I talk to my Creator, God, the Universe, Energy...whatever you want to call many times did I talk on my brother's behalf? And in one instant he assumed the worst of me and tore my heart out. I don't care what he thinks about my beliefs. What I cared about was that he presumed to know what is going to happen to me when I die. This guy who lived a life of selfishness suddenly is forgiven and allowed to pass judgment on others? Really?How can any one person judge another person so? How can any of us know another person's future? Now he is sick and people are treating him like he is an angel from heaven. He is the same guy to me. Flawed, selfish and human. I am comforted by the fact that his beliefs are helping him in his sickness. I wish that on every person on this planet. I don't care what those beliefs or nonbeliefs are...I just hope that each of us gets to be true to ourselves until the end.

Hey Born-Agains...  "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you" (Matthew 7:1-2)

Remember that one? Get over yourselves and let the rest of us lead the lives we were meant to lead.


  1. Extremism in any form is dangerous. That includes Christianity. I totally relate.

  2. Some really good points. Love you, Angie!

  3. "Why would you listen to another human being tell you where you're gonna go when you die? It's just like, 'Dude, have you ever been dead? No. Great, so wouldn't it be safe to assume that you wouldn't have the slightest f*n idea what you're talking about?'"

    - Bill Burr
